
f f f f f f f f f f f f

Few days of adventure on ffffound. go figure. oh, last one from vice. some swede dude being hot and awesome at some ghetto bar.
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ffffound, vice


say hi to asian obsession

Yes, I am Asian.
No, I was not into K-Pop.
In fact, I had no clue about Korean idols. Until. Few months ago, I started DJ-ing for UBC's Korean radio. Then I started to open my eyes. Now, I am a true Asian who somewhat religiously follows the K-Pop world.
Furthermore, my internet world revolves around Devon Aoki's TFS page. I can't move onto other sites. At the moment, my life.. it's a mess. Oh, yes, did someone say LIU WEN ?!!? Yeup.
So let's start right away !

Abracadabra by Brown Eyed Girls

devon in vogue nippon 2008
her frown is fierce than ever, her eyebrows are the most obnoxious brown, and she is so young. 2008 sure was a long time ago.
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Liu Wen in V, Tokyo something something. I was bad at jotting down the editorial title, because this wasn't TOO exciting. Liu was trying some new poses out and stuff, I just don't think this is the image or look that she can excel at. Nice seeing her branching out and working with new stylists + photographers, though !!
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Liu Wen in Bergdorf's Lookbook !! S T U N N I N G ~ ~ ~ !! ! !! !!!!
She gotta move her body and squint her eyes and open those lips slightly. That's what she's good at, and that's what the world wants.
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Liu Wen in Alexander McQueen's Lookbook. Thinking about McQueen just brings a dark cloud over our heads automatically. His presence, ideas, and breathtaking designs will forever be missed. Liu delivers her best in his lookbook. this is why she is rising to the top. She is b o m b, a N U C L E A R B O M B !
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Was that too much of gorgeous Asian models ? Should I add in Daul for kicks ? NAWWW. I'd rather show you my fangirl obsession over this Korean band CN Blue !! ! ! ! KYAA +0+ I find them so hot, its ridiculous. I actually went on google collecting their pics. Don't judge ! Just ..judge in yous heads. LOL.
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fashiongonerogue, fashioncopious, becauseimaddicted



Tao Okamoto is great.. AND BLONDE !! ! !!! ! LOVING IT. All girls are to be blonde at least once in their life. Most definitely. And quirky flower-girl editorial cuts as bonus !
BIG LOVES TONIGHT !! Short update before bed ;)

tao from april's vogue china:
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flower girl +0+:
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fashiongonerogue, fashioncopious



The title WANG GANG is in capitals, because everything related to ALEXANDER WANG should be capitalized. he is KING. EMPEROR WANG. I can't seem to fall in love with HIM the more I fall in love with his collections. We can talk Liu Wen after this. She's on the rise. Sadly, I can't help but to always think of Daul Kim whenever I see her. Liu's so adorable, though. I'm sure she won't be hanging herself anytime soon. Plus, I do not want to be alive for another sort of a day like that. She speaks English well also !! ANYHOW, I BOUGHT THIS ISSUE OF INTERVIEW JUST FOR THIS EDITORIAL. GAAAWWD. MY HEART IS BEATING FASTER JUST BECAUSE I'M THINKING ABOUT ALEXANDER WANG.
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"What I love most about my social life now is that its exactly the same s it was before: hole-in-the-wall restaurants, bad movies, and a lot of sitting around with friends doing absolutely nothing."
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oh, and liu wen can't be forgotten.. here's like a teaser pic tehehheeh:
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fashiongonerogue, fashioncopious

fall/winter revisited.

let us revisit the runways. slowly, we shall take it. with editorial breaks here and there.

rebecca taylor, so very practical, no ?
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rodarte, more perfection was weaved, and i must honestly say that I did have too many wedding thoughts whilst looking at this collection. it's so white. especially those REALLY WEDDING DRESS LIKE dresses at the end.. they got me. i'm a girl, ngl.
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thakoon, this collection is my favourite from thakoon EVER !! how he used the fur is drop dead gorgeous. i dreamt of wearing the fox fur trimmed short dress two nights in a row. ALDGOAIJF;LKDS;LHG;LKDAFJD SAVE ME, GOD. (ps. LOVE SIRI'S NEW HAIR +++ LIU WEN KYAA KYAA ! !! ! !!! +0+ )
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vivienne westwood, typical to her style. boring in a quirky and strange westwood's way.
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make-up i wanna do for a night out.. would this be too scary to encounter at clubs ??
digging the hair, too. heh heh.
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style.com, fashioncopious

song of the day

Casual Goodbye by Bear In Heaven

when will my bangs grow out ?? Will take forever. No jokes.


street shots LAST

Of course, when we talk STREET STYLE, we automatically think The Sartorialist ! So today, when I visited and saw this pic I realized my absolute N E E D to go and purchase a LONG BLACK DRESS.
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We move on from Sartorialist post, to other bloggers' influence to me today.
Park & Cube, some awesome DOUBLE WAISTING going on here !! B E A U T Y !! She explains that it was hard for her to find two trousers that go well together - aesthetically but more - size-wise. Check out her blog HERE HERE HERE
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00888 IS SUCH A FANTASTIC AND GRAPHIC BLOG OUT THERE. In these two shots out of their countless amazing ones, I thought the use of negative space + light is quite mentionable. So pretty. Loving the shadows the blinds produced. SO TALENTED. I LOVE THEM ALL SO SO SO MUCH !! Check out the blog HERE HERE HERE
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Tavi's blog, as always. EXCEPT !! SHE HAS NEW BOB, ITS SILVER !! KYAA !! And her review skills have improved by 6 tonnes of heavyweight trucks.. soooo DEFS GO CHECK HER OUT !! Y'all know her site, I'm sure.

park&cube, sartorialist, 00888
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