on the wrong side. Really means this. I just deleted a whole worth of pictures from my camera that weren't downloaded on to the computer yet.
Kill me now. I was trying to get them on to the computer to blog with them.. Guess all the effort of taking pictures was all for nothing. What a waste.
Don't feel like doing anything for awhile today.
Bye byes.
T - 2 DAYS
IS MY ECON MIDTERM !! YAAAY !! HARDCORE STUDY TIMESS !! I really really really really really don't like how this week is unfolding though. I better be rewarded this weekend. So sick right now, can't control my manly voice changes. UFFUFUUFUFU. Call me, kiddums, and you'd think you got a wrong numbaaaa WOO HOO !!
I don't really watch TV. But I thought this was the cutest picture of the cast of Friends way back when, published in The Rolling Stone. I LOVE PHOEBE !! <3333333

On a side note, I started watching Glee. I'm on like episode six or sth like that of the first season.. I fell asleep in my chair whilst watching it the other night. I've got this video player thingie from Korea that automatically moves on to the next episode. It's TOO GOOD AND EASY to waste time watching shows or even movies. LOL.
FONTS MADNESS !! I believe both of these are from Dazed & Confused. These fonts KILL. You don't understand. They transcend our time. JUST WATCH THEM BECOME THE CALIBRI IN 10 YEARS. WAGAHGHAGH.

Remember the pioneering Alfred Hitchcock !? He made all of those thrillers and dramas back in the day. Starred in most of them, too. They're still good classics to rewatch, but slow as hell. And the action sucks. We are truly spoiled these days with all the glorious things that can be achieved through some high quality CG.

I LIKE THIS GIRL. And what she's carrying. Couple more blankets and perchance a stray cat would perfect this look.

Shows us the silhouettes of fashions in decades, reaching back all the way to 1775.

Hope these pictures were some sort of fun to y'all. :) :) :)
I figured something out last night when I was blogging. I figured that us bloggers like to post videos. Music videos, trailers, vlogs, or what not, but the readers don't click on them much, unless they look FASCINATING ~~ Ahahahhahaa. DO YOU !? CUZ I CERTAINLY DON'T. Usually the music ones. But just when the screen cap of the video features GREAT JUNK. BUT WE ALL LOVE PICTURES !! DON'T WE !? Not even really the captions. BUT EYE-CATCHING PICTURES.
That was sort of my epiphany of the day last night. Therefore, I'll try my best to blog more PICTURES + IMAGES than long posts of endless vids. Ahahhahaa.
analee, becuseimaddicted, dazed&confused
I don't really watch TV. But I thought this was the cutest picture of the cast of Friends way back when, published in The Rolling Stone. I LOVE PHOEBE !! <3333333

On a side note, I started watching Glee. I'm on like episode six or sth like that of the first season.. I fell asleep in my chair whilst watching it the other night. I've got this video player thingie from Korea that automatically moves on to the next episode. It's TOO GOOD AND EASY to waste time watching shows or even movies. LOL.
FONTS MADNESS !! I believe both of these are from Dazed & Confused. These fonts KILL. You don't understand. They transcend our time. JUST WATCH THEM BECOME THE CALIBRI IN 10 YEARS. WAGAHGHAGH.

Remember the pioneering Alfred Hitchcock !? He made all of those thrillers and dramas back in the day. Starred in most of them, too. They're still good classics to rewatch, but slow as hell. And the action sucks. We are truly spoiled these days with all the glorious things that can be achieved through some high quality CG.

I LIKE THIS GIRL. And what she's carrying. Couple more blankets and perchance a stray cat would perfect this look.

Shows us the silhouettes of fashions in decades, reaching back all the way to 1775.

Hope these pictures were some sort of fun to y'all. :) :) :)
I figured something out last night when I was blogging. I figured that us bloggers like to post videos. Music videos, trailers, vlogs, or what not, but the readers don't click on them much, unless they look FASCINATING ~~ Ahahahhahaa. DO YOU !? CUZ I CERTAINLY DON'T. Usually the music ones. But just when the screen cap of the video features GREAT JUNK. BUT WE ALL LOVE PICTURES !! DON'T WE !? Not even really the captions. BUT EYE-CATCHING PICTURES.
That was sort of my epiphany of the day last night. Therefore, I'll try my best to blog more PICTURES + IMAGES than long posts of endless vids. Ahahhahaa.
analee, becuseimaddicted, dazed&confused
song of the day + MORE MORE MORE
Don't judge me. I just can't get over these skinny clean looking Korean boys. I find this attraction quite queer, too, but why not enjoy it !? Heh heh heh :) :) :) My favourite one on the very left !!
Remember these kids ?? It's rediscovering bands that make our tummies all happy.
Japanese indie bands have come and sorta swept Vancouver past Saturday night. I couldn't attend, but my friend showed me videos of the bands that came. This ones called Gumi and they hit pillows to make beats. That's how awesome they are.
Also another Japanese indie band, Mothercoat. This vid's sick; it's almost better than the song itself. These days, I find myself getting influenced by MVs a lot more than before. If the MV is awesome, I'll listen to the song even if it is only mediocre. If the MV sucks, I'll probably not look for the song another day. It's a very modern method of marketing by bands, I believe.
Don't judge me. I just can't get over these skinny clean looking Korean boys. I find this attraction quite queer, too, but why not enjoy it !? Heh heh heh :) :) :) My favourite one on the very left !!
Remember these kids ?? It's rediscovering bands that make our tummies all happy.
Japanese indie bands have come and sorta swept Vancouver past Saturday night. I couldn't attend, but my friend showed me videos of the bands that came. This ones called Gumi and they hit pillows to make beats. That's how awesome they are.
Also another Japanese indie band, Mothercoat. This vid's sick; it's almost better than the song itself. These days, I find myself getting influenced by MVs a lot more than before. If the MV is awesome, I'll listen to the song even if it is only mediocre. If the MV sucks, I'll probably not look for the song another day. It's a very modern method of marketing by bands, I believe.
s for sasha
birkenstock love
Today, I also wore these Birkenstock's. I love them to death; probs easily makes my PRIZED POSSESSIONS LIST. AHHAHA. Also because they heal damaged and wildly aching feet from overdose of heels. Anyhow, forgot to snap snap pictures today. Actually, haven't been too good lately with the picture taking machine. This is just another outfit post of ones I wore to school. (They are still pretty nerve wrecking, I must admit !!) Oh, and these are taken by my blackberry.. Mmm, so pardon the photo qualitaaay ~~
Wearing LEFT & BOTTOM: essential pearls, em polham shirt dress, ferragamo grey boxy coat
Wearing RIGHT: Mom's old pj's made into a skirt. I like re-using pieces.. a lot. LOL
Wearing LEFT & BOTTOM: essential pearls, em polham shirt dress, ferragamo grey boxy coat
Wearing RIGHT: Mom's old pj's made into a skirt. I like re-using pieces.. a lot. LOL

Asian Flashbacks
Summer's here. Check out G-Dragon, one of my favourite Koreans.

Summer's here. Check out Vogue Nippon and their tasty editorials. Tasty meaning delicious to my eyes. Vogue Nippon produces the editorials that I end up referring back to for whatever the reason, unlike Vogue US which produces boring ones - usually.
Editorial's called, Just the Two of Us.

Frida Gustavsson in more Vogue Nippon editorial. Frida is so angelic that I'm sure that she was sent by God himself from heaven to share her beauty with the beautyless.

STREET SNAPS. The thing that really riles me up is the fact that even though I gave my all studying Japanese this past year, I forgot so much kanji that I can't even read anything much. I thought I'd be able to. FML.

MODEL LOVES: SHU PEI + LIU WEN (More Liu to be posted later)

DAZED AND CONFUSED JAPAN.. Thomas Penhouse shot by Ben Toms. Menswear is not my guilty pleasure, it is my very explicit pleasure. I think I enjoy reading GQ way more than NYLON. No offense to Nylon lovers, but I feel as if Nylon is the same issue reprinted every month. BO-ring.
PS. This male model, Penhouse, hurts me with his bony beauty. I love him. He makes the hard-cut suits look so delicate.

And on the way back from my friend's today (we played RockBand 2 + Mario + MarioKart ALL DAY LONG ..and ate like pigs, too) we talked about Slamdunk. This got me all pumped up for manga reading, so as soon as I entered my house, I super-glued my ass to my chair and read Bakuman to save yet another page featuring my 2D love, NIIZUMA EIJI !! LOVE THIS CHARACTER. He plays with toy figurines and is a genius, need I say more !?

fashiongonerogue, naver, tfs, dropsnap, onemanga, fashionisto

Summer's here. Check out Vogue Nippon and their tasty editorials. Tasty meaning delicious to my eyes. Vogue Nippon produces the editorials that I end up referring back to for whatever the reason, unlike Vogue US which produces boring ones - usually.
Editorial's called, Just the Two of Us.

Frida Gustavsson in more Vogue Nippon editorial. Frida is so angelic that I'm sure that she was sent by God himself from heaven to share her beauty with the beautyless.

STREET SNAPS. The thing that really riles me up is the fact that even though I gave my all studying Japanese this past year, I forgot so much kanji that I can't even read anything much. I thought I'd be able to. FML.

MODEL LOVES: SHU PEI + LIU WEN (More Liu to be posted later)

DAZED AND CONFUSED JAPAN.. Thomas Penhouse shot by Ben Toms. Menswear is not my guilty pleasure, it is my very explicit pleasure. I think I enjoy reading GQ way more than NYLON. No offense to Nylon lovers, but I feel as if Nylon is the same issue reprinted every month. BO-ring.
PS. This male model, Penhouse, hurts me with his bony beauty. I love him. He makes the hard-cut suits look so delicate.

And on the way back from my friend's today (we played RockBand 2 + Mario + MarioKart ALL DAY LONG ..and ate like pigs, too) we talked about Slamdunk. This got me all pumped up for manga reading, so as soon as I entered my house, I super-glued my ass to my chair and read Bakuman to save yet another page featuring my 2D love, NIIZUMA EIJI !! LOVE THIS CHARACTER. He plays with toy figurines and is a genius, need I say more !?

fashiongonerogue, naver, tfs, dropsnap, onemanga, fashionisto
An old French flick about a woman named, Nikita. Her name speaks all. A Luc Besson film.
A Mandarin film about the emperor's special soldier unit in Myung Dynasty. Starts off engaging but ends bitter in disappointment. Lots of fantasy and an ugly heroine. The lead guy, Donnie Yen, is hot though. Mmm, a plus a plus !
I really don't like Amy Adams (her voice is overly annoying), so I knew I won't be liking this film. My mother's a sucker for any sort of rom-com movies, so I had to watch this with her. The only cute part in this movie is when they call her LV suitcase Louis, and continue personifying him. It's cute. I like LV suitcases.
Found the first one ..SO AWFUL. HORRIBLE. BORING. FAIL FROM HOLLYWOOD IN EVERY SINGLE ASPECT. Gwyneth Paltrow was godly. Therefore, I wasn't expecting anything from its sequel, but this sequel DELIVERED. WOW ! What a thrill and a ride it was from the beginning !! LOVED DOWNEY JR. + PALTROW (YAY FOR SUCH A SWEET CHEMISTRY !!) and Scar Jo was too hot for the big screen. LALGAHDMFAGH. I really enjoyed her awkward poses whilst beating up beefy men in tight hallways.
An old French flick about a woman named, Nikita. Her name speaks all. A Luc Besson film.
A Mandarin film about the emperor's special soldier unit in Myung Dynasty. Starts off engaging but ends bitter in disappointment. Lots of fantasy and an ugly heroine. The lead guy, Donnie Yen, is hot though. Mmm, a plus a plus !
I really don't like Amy Adams (her voice is overly annoying), so I knew I won't be liking this film. My mother's a sucker for any sort of rom-com movies, so I had to watch this with her. The only cute part in this movie is when they call her LV suitcase Louis, and continue personifying him. It's cute. I like LV suitcases.
Found the first one ..SO AWFUL. HORRIBLE. BORING. FAIL FROM HOLLYWOOD IN EVERY SINGLE ASPECT. Gwyneth Paltrow was godly. Therefore, I wasn't expecting anything from its sequel, but this sequel DELIVERED. WOW ! What a thrill and a ride it was from the beginning !! LOVED DOWNEY JR. + PALTROW (YAY FOR SUCH A SWEET CHEMISTRY !!) and Scar Jo was too hot for the big screen. LALGAHDMFAGH. I really enjoyed her awkward poses whilst beating up beefy men in tight hallways.
pale yellow hair
Say hello to Dree + Siri.
Somewhat recent editorials. Dree's shot by Solve Sundsbo and Siri's by Sebastien Faena.
Dree Hemingway is not one of my favourite models, but she looked too cool in this editorial to ignore. I believe that her new short hair is really bringing out another image in her; she's much fiercer than ever before. I'll now keep an eye on her more. Note that there are many showings of extra-pale titties. :) :) :)
I'm a huge fan of Siri Tollerod, but to be honest, in this editorial, I'm leaning more towards her man partner. Why is his face so perfectly chiseled and bony !? To make my heart ache in front of the computer screen, that's what. AHHAHA.


Somewhat recent editorials. Dree's shot by Solve Sundsbo and Siri's by Sebastien Faena.
Dree Hemingway is not one of my favourite models, but she looked too cool in this editorial to ignore. I believe that her new short hair is really bringing out another image in her; she's much fiercer than ever before. I'll now keep an eye on her more. Note that there are many showings of extra-pale titties. :) :) :)
I'm a huge fan of Siri Tollerod, but to be honest, in this editorial, I'm leaning more towards her man partner. Why is his face so perfectly chiseled and bony !? To make my heart ache in front of the computer screen, that's what. AHHAHA.


song of the day
What have you done for your mother today ?!!? Me, nothing really. Stayed home. AHhahaha.
But I just finished a hopefully heartwarming letter/card to give to her during dinner tonight. We are eating at Bistro Bistro, a French restaurant on Fourth Avenue. I'm quite excited actually. I want to eat LOADS OF MUSSELS UFFUFUFU !! Mmm.
The weird coincidence !? My best friend, Angela, also booked her Mother's Day dinner at the same place !! She and her family will be there at six and my family and I will be there at seven. Weird. Our mothers also have the same birth dates. LOL.
Coffee by Epik High
This song has somehow grown in me and I seem to long for it more and more these days. It's essentially one of my mom's favs, so I thought it was fitting to post it up today. We are both caffeine addicts. Oh. Add my father on that list, too. Ahhaha. Enjoy :)
What have you done for your mother today ?!!? Me, nothing really. Stayed home. AHhahaha.
But I just finished a hopefully heartwarming letter/card to give to her during dinner tonight. We are eating at Bistro Bistro, a French restaurant on Fourth Avenue. I'm quite excited actually. I want to eat LOADS OF MUSSELS UFFUFUFU !! Mmm.
The weird coincidence !? My best friend, Angela, also booked her Mother's Day dinner at the same place !! She and her family will be there at six and my family and I will be there at seven. Weird. Our mothers also have the same birth dates. LOL.
Coffee by Epik High
This song has somehow grown in me and I seem to long for it more and more these days. It's essentially one of my mom's favs, so I thought it was fitting to post it up today. We are both caffeine addicts. Oh. Add my father on that list, too. Ahhaha. Enjoy :)
moving frames
Watched yesterday, Whip It. Starring the almighty Ellen Page and Drew Barrymore. Even Jimmy Fallon and one of the burglars from HOME ALONE !!!!!!!!!!!! Teehee. Directed and co-produced by Drew Barrymore !! It's like.. HER FILM !! OMFG.
Anyhow, it was thoroughly enjoyable and laugh-out-loud entertaining. I guess since I watched it with little expectations, I ended up enjoying it aroun d9898983848326497392557 times more !! What a ride that was !
Ellen Page plays a perfect adolescent 17-year-old girl, and it's quite mind blowing that she's nearing 30. The BIG thirty, ya know !!???! And what, she's playing a SEVENTEEN-year-old. Her lips move with such intellect and each of her movement is down to her role.
Now I want to get a pair of Barbie roller skates and go roller derby-ing. VANCOUVER TOTALLY NEEDS A ROLLER DERBY WAREHOUSE. LIKE NOW. And it should be used for little girls' birthday parties and stuff.. like how ice rinks are used !!
INSTANT LOVE FOR THIS FILM. Please begin the dance party.
Moving on. I just spent some time on YouTube and guess what I found ?!!? MORE DAUL CLIPS. NEVER WATCHED BEFORE. One of them is heart-wrenching; it's about her infamous Paris apartment. The apartment. It smells so lively and it has a huge walk-in closet room and what not. Love you, Daul. RIP.
On the other hand, these ones are funny. She loves yoga !! I THINK I'LL START DOING YOGA NOW. NO KIDDINGS.
Here, she talks about her guinea pigs, Jamong (grapefruit) and Tiger. She always loved them even though they mostly lived in Seoul at her parent's place. She talks about why she likes guinea pigs over dogs, hamsters, and other pet animals. She says that they don't want too much attention. Plus, she says that guinea pigs are shy and introverted creatures that takes time to become their friend. To become one, one must converse with it and not pet nor snuggle with them excessively. This talks a lot about Daul's personality also, in my opinion. Miss you, Daul. Really, truly rest in peace.
Anyhow, it was thoroughly enjoyable and laugh-out-loud entertaining. I guess since I watched it with little expectations, I ended up enjoying it aroun d9898983848326497392557 times more !! What a ride that was !
Ellen Page plays a perfect adolescent 17-year-old girl, and it's quite mind blowing that she's nearing 30. The BIG thirty, ya know !!???! And what, she's playing a SEVENTEEN-year-old. Her lips move with such intellect and each of her movement is down to her role.
Now I want to get a pair of Barbie roller skates and go roller derby-ing. VANCOUVER TOTALLY NEEDS A ROLLER DERBY WAREHOUSE. LIKE NOW. And it should be used for little girls' birthday parties and stuff.. like how ice rinks are used !!
INSTANT LOVE FOR THIS FILM. Please begin the dance party.
Moving on. I just spent some time on YouTube and guess what I found ?!!? MORE DAUL CLIPS. NEVER WATCHED BEFORE. One of them is heart-wrenching; it's about her infamous Paris apartment. The apartment. It smells so lively and it has a huge walk-in closet room and what not. Love you, Daul. RIP.
On the other hand, these ones are funny. She loves yoga !! I THINK I'LL START DOING YOGA NOW. NO KIDDINGS.
Here, she talks about her guinea pigs, Jamong (grapefruit) and Tiger. She always loved them even though they mostly lived in Seoul at her parent's place. She talks about why she likes guinea pigs over dogs, hamsters, and other pet animals. She says that they don't want too much attention. Plus, she says that guinea pigs are shy and introverted creatures that takes time to become their friend. To become one, one must converse with it and not pet nor snuggle with them excessively. This talks a lot about Daul's personality also, in my opinion. Miss you, Daul. Really, truly rest in peace.
BIG NEWS !! The Canucks lost another game :'( :'( :'(
BIG NEWS !! ..Well mildly. This is my first outfit post !! NERVES ARE BURNING UP.
I'm sorry if it sucks. Well these pictures are from the day I went over to Emily Carr's Foundation Show to support a few friends. Justin here is a super talented friend of mine; he had his lovely portrait of a man eating fries, ahhahaha, on show and I went there with another good friend of mine, Jacqueline. She's away right now backpacking across Europe by herself !! She just left yesterday.. I already miss her tons. T^T.
Anyhow, wearing Silence + Noise jean jacket, grandmother's vintage lace top, Korean black tights (WOOHOO Korean tights rock), and Sonia Rykiel for H&M wedges.
Jacqueline's wearing Zara Oxford Heels and Justin in his too gorgeous sequin LV shoes.

My friends are so cute !! Ahahhaha.

BIG NEWS !! The Canucks lost another game :'( :'( :'(
BIG NEWS !! ..Well mildly. This is my first outfit post !! NERVES ARE BURNING UP.
I'm sorry if it sucks. Well these pictures are from the day I went over to Emily Carr's Foundation Show to support a few friends. Justin here is a super talented friend of mine; he had his lovely portrait of a man eating fries, ahhahaha, on show and I went there with another good friend of mine, Jacqueline. She's away right now backpacking across Europe by herself !! She just left yesterday.. I already miss her tons. T^T.
Anyhow, wearing Silence + Noise jean jacket, grandmother's vintage lace top, Korean black tights (WOOHOO Korean tights rock), and Sonia Rykiel for H&M wedges.
Jacqueline's wearing Zara Oxford Heels and Justin in his too gorgeous sequin LV shoes.

My friends are so cute !! Ahahhaha.

pulling out the..
V I N T A G E !! ! !!!! !! ! !
I've always had a few vintage fashion shots scattered about on my hard drive.. BUT I FOUND MORE YESTERDAY !! UFUFFUFUFUFUFUU. I'm so excited to post these !! HAR HAR HAR.
fierce eyebrows. MMMMMMMMmmmm !!


cute coat !!


Back in the day, when there was no Photoshop. YOU CAN SEE PORES !! GAAASPPP !!

AND THIS IS THE SHIT. I WENT BONKERS AFTER FINDING THESE !! These are pictures of the infamous picture taker, STEVEN MEISEL. I personally love his editorials, they are much more complex and fun since they all have a story. His editorials are very staged, giving them life and making them seem like film still cuts !! GAHHHHH. THESE ARE OLD. So he's incredibly YOUNG !! YOU CAN SMELL THE YOUTH !! How nice !!!!! ! !!! HOT !!

So it's fitting to post a recent editorial shot by Meisel. From Vogue Italia, Shrink to Fit, featuring MANY MANY AWESOME models: LARA !! FREJA !! ABBEEEYYYYYYY !! + MORE. Yeah. Go figure. ;) I like all the ridiculous amount of hairspray. OHHOHO ~

ana-lee, fashiongonerogue
I've always had a few vintage fashion shots scattered about on my hard drive.. BUT I FOUND MORE YESTERDAY !! UFUFFUFUFUFUFUU. I'm so excited to post these !! HAR HAR HAR.
fierce eyebrows. MMMMMMMMmmmm !!


cute coat !!


Back in the day, when there was no Photoshop. YOU CAN SEE PORES !! GAAASPPP !!

AND THIS IS THE SHIT. I WENT BONKERS AFTER FINDING THESE !! These are pictures of the infamous picture taker, STEVEN MEISEL. I personally love his editorials, they are much more complex and fun since they all have a story. His editorials are very staged, giving them life and making them seem like film still cuts !! GAHHHHH. THESE ARE OLD. So he's incredibly YOUNG !! YOU CAN SMELL THE YOUTH !! How nice !!!!! ! !!! HOT !!

So it's fitting to post a recent editorial shot by Meisel. From Vogue Italia, Shrink to Fit, featuring MANY MANY AWESOME models: LARA !! FREJA !! ABBEEEYYYYYYY !! + MORE. Yeah. Go figure. ;) I like all the ridiculous amount of hairspray. OHHOHO ~

ana-lee, fashiongonerogue
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