presents and purchases and free junk.. they all go in circles and i see my cash constantly slipping out of my wallet !! gyahahahhahha
bought two new lipsticks the other day !! red red red and deeeeeep purple.
reminder: go fool around w those after japanese homework !! can yous believe it ?!!? first day of school.. and already homework assigned.
slice me now----
plus, the white vitamin water is truly the b e s t !! for those who gets frustrated when choosing which vitawater to get tehehhehee :) :)
shoes: finally black pumps pa pa pa !

some clothes for kicks ?

jewelry: rings, vintage earrings, headbands, necklaces, bangles, just my bffs in general <333

1 comment:
귀걸이를 다 저렇게 비닐에 넣어서 정리하는구나. 나도 저렇게 해야겠다. 다들 뒤죽박죽 -_-;;
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