Since I'm going out to hang out with Koreans today, I'd like to make this a long delayed Korean post. First let's start of with long time ago Karlie Kloss from W Korea, and then the uber cool editorial Abbey Lee did for Vogue Korea (this is my first editorial from anything Korea that I like). I'm also not caught up with new editorials or what not, so there might be some better Korean mag's editorials out there that I've not seen. STAY TUNED !! I'LL EDUCATE MYSELF SOON !! AHHAHA. PS. Abbey's such a natural; I love her to DEATH. GUGHGhghgjhgl.

Been getting tons of Korean music ! Including this funky new band that my friend introduced me to ! Their name is EE !! SO CUTE !! Apparently they are getting married this year; I think that they are perfect for each other. Another point to note would be that this woman is sort of psycho and she was sued for assaulting a concert-goer or sth like that !!??! So she's like a Korean Courtney Love. HOW EXCITING !! BAHHaa
Another band is my ultra favourite, Hot Potato. I posted Confession few posts ago, and this is the follow-up. Part two. This song's name is See-Saw. It's really sad. Because here, you find out that the guy is actually married and has kids.. and then the girl is in the hospital and she ends up dying. It's sort of a typical sappy music video story that Koreans like to use. But the atmosphere achieved through this short film is totally different, and it has a quirky sense of humour. When he fed her an apple, the girl says "Ohhh, so apples were delicious"
Man: "You sound like you never ate apples"
Girl: "Yeah, I didn't eat apples much"
Man: "Really? Apples are my favorite"
Girl: "...heh heh...I'm allergic to apples."
H E A R T W R E N C H I N G !
The QUEEN of KPop is back !! With a full new album, H-Logic, which is actually bringing her LOADS of lawsuits !! SEVEN SONGS WERE SUED FOR PLAGIARISM. And when I went and compared them.. wow. I was quite surprised how BLATANTLY similar they are !! DLAKG;AIDFJKLADHGADF. Shame on Hyo-ri's part imo. However, call this the Korean Lady GAGA or another one of GAGA's copycat, but it's still awesome and I can't get more of it. This song was not sued for plagiarism, but it still sounds like everything we've already heard anyhow. WATCH HER STRUT HER HOTNESS + CONFIDENCE TO THE MAX.
Lee Hyo-Ri's CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG. (SEE ???!!? That title already wins my heart over.)
If that wasn't enough Korean overload.. Don't fret. There's more ! I recently started following Korean artists on Twitter. Some of them are actually from abroad, so they speak English well and tweets in English, too. It's nice. It's actually quite interesting to see what they talk about. Sometimes it's about Korea's current events and all that. But this is my favourite Korean celebrity's twitter page. I thought I was going to have a heartattack.. becauseeeee...

HIS BACKGROUND WAS ALSO STARS AND SPACE. I wanted to cry. LOOOLLL. PLUS he uses a BlackBerry ?!!?! I MEAN WHAT ARE THE CHANCES ?!!? LOL. I'm being sort of pathetic here, but just hear me out, okie ? Teehee.
But yes. Over and out. For now. :)
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