Meet Codie Young in a beautiful spring editorial for April issue of Vogue Australia. Lots of different paterns, textures, materials, and layers to pull off a dreamy feeling in the Oriental past. Pretty pretty.
Situated in the Best Dojun [베도] page of Naver, Holy Mountain 홀리마운틴 by Abikyuhwan is the reason I got into checking out Best Dojun webtoons. In case you don't know what best dojun means.. These webtoons aren't the picked, paid, and official webtoons that Naver sponsors; these are unpaid and are products of attempts to get on board the official webtoon list. Anyone can upload on the Dojun site, and the best rated ones get promoted to Best Dojun. Pretty simple.
Holy Mountain, 홀마 for short, is a story about a girl and her affiliations with the concert hall, Holy Mountain. Deals with variety of parts of life: school, Korea's idol culture, developments in the smaller areas of the cities, gangsters, and friendship. I love how it touches upon very unusual occupations and that it has viewpoints from adult characters as well as a middle schooler (the protagonist). But the whole thing has a musical background and I can proudly say that this guy has a FANTASTIC MUSIC taste ! His first episode features GIRLS !!!! I've never heard of a Korean - living in Korea - that knew about Girls when they debuted !!! TOO COOL.
홀마 also has a huge design element. This author is not only just a mangaka, but more of an artist. The way he incorporates music into each piece, he also makes sure that there are a variety of cuts and different angles. His play on text is especially interesting and his unique darker pop-art style is definitely something to note.
So I got really interested in what kind of a human Abikyuhwan was. And you can find out more about him at his blog here: click click 작가블로그 Abikyuhwan's blog click click You can tell that he loves music and manga; no wonder he can produce such a quirky masterpiece like Holy Mountain. He made me make a Naver account so that I can leave comments on Holy Mountain and on his blog, too !!!!! ><;; This is how much I love this webtoon. Sigh, hehe.
My friend, Joanne, first introduced me to this online shopping site based in Seoul, Korea: STYLE NANDA. Now a huge thing internationally. Has tons of sweet clothes, accessories, shoes and make up that I just want to acquire. Just frickin' ship 'em over here without orders, can't ya !??!!!?!?
So I went surfing ALL OVER IT this morning. GUGH. Here are the coveted items that won't end up in my closet.
BAGS // GIANT CLUTCHES - Totally needed for this coming season and forever.
Thanks to procrastination and the looming deadline of my European history paper, I watched a beautiful beautiful French film last night:
Pierrot le Fou, a film by Jean-Luc Godard
Now, I've been waiting and waiting and missing and missing and paying and paying the fines for the missed holdings from the Vancouver Public Library for - no jokes - A YEAR AND HALF !!!!!! GUGHGHGUGHGHUGHGHG. So you don't understand my ecstatic joy when I finally picked it up and held the DVD case in my fingers yesterday. I plucked it in my DVD player right after my dinner... What history paper !??!?!?!!
Starring Jean-Paul Belmondo and Anna Karina, it's obviously a must-watch. It's also one because it's one of the last movies that actually - somewhat - made sense in reality that Godard made before moving on to more radical film projects.
The whole movie is surreal and heavy; actually, it is enjoyable because of such a contradiction. Imagine learning about midlife crisis and the difficulties of marriage that happened because of money, not love, while it being super realistic. EW. It'll just be the bitterness that Blue Valentine gives you at the end, when all the optimistic thoughts you caged inside yourself crumbles in an instant. Only emptiness. But Pierrot le Fou is different !!!!!!!!
Ferdinand (referred as Pierrot by Marianne throughout the whole movie for some reason) ESCAPES !! His boring married life + posh Parisian society to Southern France.. the Mediterranean !!!!!!!!!! They are on the run, chased by stupid French police and lead a criminal lives. They are also chased by hitmen from somewhere else. Accompanied by comic strips and pop art cuts and many political satirical scenes, this movie is PERFECT. I LOVE IT FROM THE PERIPHERALS TO THE INNER CORE !!!!!
It makes one laugh, giggle, hum, quietly smile, scoff, and sit there thinking WHAT THE FUCK. Lots of beautiful clothes, nature, people, and the language is just beautiful. I was meant to be alive in the 60s-
PS. You can actually catch the whole movie on YouTube.. PS. You can actually catch the whole movie on YouTube.. PS. You can actually catch the whole movie on YouTube.. IKR !? CRAZY !!!!! HERE'S PART ONE and follow the related videos to the end ~
And I mean it. These days, I've been wearing my scarves (even my thick fur-lined shawls) around my head. It covers my hair on the days I don't take a morning shower and it keeps my hair wet on the days I do take a morning shower. Nonetheless, I love wearing head stuff. So when I stumbled upon this video via Style Bubble, I went ballistic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait to try this style.
SEWWWW KEWWWWWWWWWTTTTT !!! Don't judge me if you see me like this on the streets of Vancouver.
There are many sweet spots around Vancouver, but I LOOOOOOVE GASTOWN. I can spend hours during the day there and I can spend hours + good times during the night, too !! It houses my favorite restaurant in Vancouver, Guu Otokomae, and many more delish eats.
This post is a glimpse into a few of those exceptional places to grab a bite. I toured with le fam jam, since my little sister was out of town for a swim meet.. Perfect time to go out and play to make her jealous ! Hehe.
Owned by the Sean Heather who owns The Irish Heather & Salt Tasting Room, it is located in his "posh" Gastown back alley. Judas Goat is a small place and is designed for you to just sit, sip, and chat. Small place for small things; nothing grand nor wild. In fact, it's probably not the best time of year to go over these days.. wait until the sun comes out !! During the summer, they have a nice patio and the windows really let the light into the place. The winter, it just seems like a cave.. Somewhat. Plus it's sort of disgusting to walk into a wet alley.. don't cha think !?
We had just a beer and a meatball slide. Well, considering that we were already STUFFED from dinner at home... This was already a brave move. Oh and the last pic is a GPOY pic, LOOOOLLLLLL !!
Located around half a block away from Judas Goat, we ventured into this fairly new place called, Peckinpah. It's a BBQ house. If you are a meat lover and haven't been here yet... WHAT ARE YOU DOING !? We grabbed another beer, an IPA despite the fact that their bourbon selection is ASTRONOMICAL !!!
The great thing about this place was its friendly friendly price. The menu just shone out saying pick me pick me come back come back !! It was a nice size and even sitting at the bar was comfortable. The service was quick and friendly as usual with all Gastown restaurants. The best was their side salad... I forget what it was... and too bad that I was too busy feasting and getting fat than taking pictures of it. But basically it had all these great greens that I love like kale and swiss char (spelling !?). Sooooooo yums. Everything was good and it must've been super good if it tasted so fantastic to already full people.
Above five words describe this androgynous non-identifiable band, Bo Ningen. Based from London, these 4 Japanese guys look just like girls, somewhat. Well when I first saw their YouTube performance, I was totally down that the singer was a girl... until he sang. HAHA !! SOOOO ANDROGYNOUS !! SOOOOOOOOOO PSYCHEDELIC !!! SOOOOOOOOOOOO CATCHY !! You like 'em ? Then you are hooked. This is a band you don't forget about very easily. You will come back looking for them. Bo Ningen likes to SCREAM. And JAM. And CHANT in variety of languages.
For some reason, they remind me a lot of Deerhoof and Satomi from Deerhoof ! Because the music is fast and non-sensical; especially the lyrics. I never understand what Satomi is saying except when she's getting formally interviewed. THIS IS JUST THE CASE FOR BO NINGEN !!!!!!
It's too bad that they usually play shows only in Europe; they say they like to perform in France. If I go to Europe for an exchange, you can definitely bet that I'm going to go hunt down these delicious looking boyzzzzzz. You know that I'm a sucker for long-haired men. HEHEHE. Find us in London-
Just because these pics have been in a folder on my desktop for the longest time ever. LIU WEN in too much CHANEL !!!!!!!!!!! February 2011, Vogue China. Styled by Nicoletta Santoro. RANDOM VIDEO !! LISTEN TO HER VOICE WATCH HER MOVE WHEN SHE TALKS !!
WestEast Magazine, styled by Christina Lynch, photographed by Daniel Garriga. The first pic - such a Devon Aoki pose, no ?