Situated in the Best Dojun [베도] page of Naver, Holy Mountain 홀리마운틴 by Abikyuhwan is the reason I got into checking out Best Dojun webtoons. In case you don't know what best dojun means.. These webtoons aren't the picked, paid, and official webtoons that Naver sponsors; these are unpaid and are products of attempts to get on board the official webtoon list. Anyone can upload on the Dojun site, and the best rated ones get promoted to Best Dojun. Pretty simple.
Holy Mountain, 홀마 for short, is a story about a girl and her affiliations with the concert hall, Holy Mountain. Deals with variety of parts of life: school, Korea's idol culture, developments in the smaller areas of the cities, gangsters, and friendship. I love how it touches upon very unusual occupations and that it has viewpoints from adult characters as well as a middle schooler (the protagonist). But the whole thing has a musical background and I can proudly say that this guy has a FANTASTIC MUSIC taste ! His first episode features GIRLS !!!! I've never heard of a Korean - living in Korea - that knew about Girls when they debuted !!! TOO COOL.

홀마 also has a huge design element. This author is not only just a mangaka, but more of an artist. The way he incorporates music into each piece, he also makes sure that there are a variety of cuts and different angles. His play on text is especially interesting and his unique darker pop-art style is definitely something to note.

So I got really interested in what kind of a human Abikyuhwan was. And you can find out more about him at his blog here: click click 작가블로그 Abikyuhwan's blog click click You can tell that he loves music and manga; no wonder he can produce such a quirky masterpiece like Holy Mountain. He made me make a Naver account so that I can leave comments on Holy Mountain and on his blog, too !!!!! ><;; This is how much I love this webtoon. Sigh, hehe.
click click TO GO TO THE WEBTOON EP ONE click click
click click TO GO TO THE WEBTOON EP ONE click click
click click TO GO TO THE WEBTOON EP ONE click click
click click TO GO TO THE WEBTOON EP ONE click click
click click TO GO TO THE WEBTOON EP ONE click click

Fab illustrations full of quirky character! If only I had a quarter of his talent!
아..관심 감사합니다.
현재 진행이 안되고 있는 상황이라 죄송한 마음부터 전하고 싶고 저에게 홀마는 너무나 의미가 담긴 작품이라 꼭 다시 돌아올 거란거 약속드릴게요. 우연히 들렸다 정말 큰 용기 얻어갑니다!! ㅜㅜ (이글쓰는데10분은걸린듯;)
헉 !! 여길다시돌아올리가없겟지만... 홀마진행해야죠 !!!! ㅋㅋㅋ 그러나, please take the time that is needed for you !! 어떡해, 꺜, 전규환님's 글보구넘설렛어요. 용기더욱더많이보낼게욤- 파팍용기파팟 ! 블록자주놀러오세요 ! 저두오랜만에 Painful 한번들려야겟당; :) :)
저도 이 블로그 오면서 자극 많이 받았었어요. 글을 못남겨서 그렇지..^^; woodkid도 아주 좋은데요~ 반지도예쁘네요:)
Yaaayyyy !!! 감사감사합니당 ~ 헤헤 :) 글남겨주셔서저두행복해요 ! ㅋ 계속좋은음악들을찾기를- ㅋㅋㅋ
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