
tomotomo hairhair

Tomotomo is a Japanese hair styling magazine. It's not one of those really crowded, whole bunch of hair styles, and flashy Japanese magazines they have at those Chinese hair salons.. but Tomotomo is more of a graphic and editorial-y hair magazine. There's also a section where it teaches you how to cut a certain style on a mannequin head. Great for hair students !! And then there are very detailed spreads teaching how to curl and style your hair in variety of lengths !! All in all, to me, this magazine is a fantastic short read that one must get a hold of. :) :) :)

Oh, and each issue differs on focus. The most recent one was on women hair styles, but the issue before was on men's. Interesting !!

I went bonkers after seeing this and dragged my little sis to making these come true in real life. IT'S REALLY HARD. I ONLY SUCCEEDED.. VAGUELY.
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SHORT. If only I had short hair.. If only I can just grow my hair to its length now in like a month after this cut.. To go from my length to a short one is easy, but it's the coming back that's hard. BUT ISN'T THIS THE CUTEST HAIR EVER !??!!?
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BANGS. I grew my bangs out all summer. It was a pain, and it is also painful when I see beautiful pictures of gorgeously curled, voluminous bangs.
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