Just finished: Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
Was never a fan of the movie, though I am a big fan of
Helena Bonham Carter. Gosh, she's so terrifying that she's amazing. Other than her, the movie was VERY Hollywood and ew,
Brad Pitt, ew, and the ending,
ew ew ew ew ew. See ? I'm clearly not a fan, so maybe to make myself into a more likable character whenever
Fight Club comes up in conversations (everyone's a fan, so when you are not... you're basically the party pooper...), I decided to give the novel a go. I had no idea that Palahniuk has more novels out there and apparently there are definitely better ones; my friend Sasha recommends
Diary by Chuck Palahniuk.
But to come back on topic, the twist was way more abrupt in the book which is why that it ended better. The messiness at the end (trying to undo Tyler's actions and kill Tyler) paralleled the messy beginnings (when he created Tyler). It seemed smart and cunning. I really liked it. I also liked how easy the read was, WOW. I'm even thinking about making my tutor boy read it since this is a commercial book, he'd understand !!!!! Anyhow, I do recommend if you've got time to kill and need a literary work... but then again, I really feel like watching some quality movies will give you the rush + thrill
Fight Club -the novel- will give you. Like go watch a
Coen brothers movie instead.
But since I've read the book now, when
Fight Club does come out in conversations, I will just smile and nod while they talk about the movie, and then will assert, "the book's much better. Go read it. You might develop some pity for the guy, because his fun, twisted novel got made into a shitty Hollywood flick."
Finished while ago: After Dark by Haruki Murakami
This book is such a fast read, you'd forget that you've read it. So what does that guarantee ? It's a great book. It's totally my kind of book, well it's
Murakami so I'd probably say all his works are great.... but yeah. Him. His style is what I like. Like it's all
hazy and vague. All
fantasy but not.
Reality and escapism. Night, moon, symbols, and
super pretentious sentences that loses their pretentiousness to become a beautiful prose instead. All that. All of that - maybe even too much of that - is present in
After Dark. From the beginning, the book has detailed descriptions about the setting and then has back ground music.
Murakami notes all the songs that are playing in the background and if you know them, wow, what a read. If you don't, well, that's where Google comes in handy. It gives you sooooo much atmosphere that it's totally
cinematic !!!!
The few passages that I love are right in the beginning, and it's too long to type out.. so here.. read it in the pic instead... LOL !!!

Finished recently: The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami
The big thick famous
Murakami. I didn't like this one as much as I like the other ones.. is it because I read it with too high of expectations ? Maybe. Possibly. Oh, I don't know. It was long and draggy and the middle of it was
UGH. Confusing and tricky. It'd seem like the characters were finally moving along and getting some results and BOOM. Something bad would happen and we'd be at the starting point again OR BOOM. Let's introduce some other minor character for the sake of writing a short story about him or her and then deal with the effects later. SO HOW DID MURAKAMI DEAL WITH LIKE 94 CHARACTERS IN THE NOVEL !? He just vaguely tied it to the past, history, and their multiple short stories... to make "sense" of it all and to "conclude" it all.
It was very him to just make the readers shrug and accept what had happened. He did his job, which was
to provide us with a tale that'd make us think, reflect, and enjoy. That's really what I did.. I
thought a lot while reading this one. I'd get
HEADACHES from thinking. I'd get
MAD DREAMS, OH MY FUCKING GOD, let's not talk about the sick dreams I had while reading this novel. I would read a few hours and nap all these crazy things and then forget them because I'd read crazier things after the nap. I think the best thing for this book would be to have it made into those book casettes and then to listen to them while you're high out of your mind.
I wonder what kind of hallucinations you'd get then-Favourite things about the book: the cat and Cinnamon...... Read to find out, ;)
"Perhaps in that world Cinnamon had a clear, ringing voice, with which he spoke eloquently and laughed and cried aloud." -book3ch17Just started: The Rum Diary by Hunter S. Thompson
From the end of the prologue:
Like most of the others, I was a seeker; a mover; a malcontent, and at times a stupid hell-raiser. I was never idle long enough to do much thinking; but I felt somehow that my instincts were right. I shared a vagrant optimism that some of us were making real progress, that we had taken an honest road, and that the best of us would inevitably make it over the top.
At the same time, I shared a dark suspicion that the life we were leading was a lost cause, that we were all actors, kidding ourselves along on a senseless odyssey. It was the tension between these two poles—a restless idealism on one hand and a sense of impending doom on the other-that kept me going.This passage is like
my negative ideals and it confirms that everyone is down and hopeless. 진취적다... Did I use the word right ? That's probably the hardest "adult-like" Korean vocab word I know, thanks to the song, 진취적인그녀 by
Kim C's band,
Hot Potato. Anyways, I liked the prologue. Hooray ! I also like what the
New York Daily News had said about this book:
"Enough booze to float a yacht and enough fear and loathing to sink it." It seems like it will be a suspenseful, modern-almost-trash fiction. Perfect. :D
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