I was notified through twitter and other blogs and what not and being a cupcake lover (excpet I can only eat them with coffee.. not too good with sweets), I called up my high school friend, Bianca, and proceeded to Yaletown Roundhouse Community Centre.
So that day.. I just remember eating. I'll post the Father's Day dinner part some time else.. it's a whole food post by itself T^T. There really is no wonder why I don't decrease in my clothing size. Bahahhahaha.
Each person who entered the room were judges.. so in a way one is obliged to eat cupcakes from each booth. The room SMELLED SWEET. Okay !??!? There was a lot of traffic and A LOT of cupcakes being handed out !! FOR FREE !! YAAAYYYY !! Plus, the waterbottles being sold on site were only $1 !
Big City Cupcakes won overall and the Neopolitan cupcake from Frostings won the best cupcake. I voted for Big City as the winner even though they are obviously the most renowned.. their cupcakes were TOO GOOD !! I also took a shot of the Neopolitan cupcake because that REALLY tasted good. So I think the results were truly honest and rewarding ! :) :) :)
After the Cupcake Challenge, Bianca and I went to JJ Bean for some caffeine. For me, I had to wash out all the leftover sweetness in my mouth, ahahhaha. And voila ! That was our lunch at around eleven o'clock in the morning.
SORRY FOR THE HORRIBLE PICTURE QUALITY.. I forgot my camera.. so I took pictures with my BlackBerry. :'( :'( :'(

Then we were off to Main Street for No Car Day festivities !! I picked up a scarf, my friend, Maddy, picked up a beautiful set of feather earrings, and tired and hungry as we were around four, we went to The Main for some beer and nachos. MMMM. NACHOS.

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