The description written at MangaFox..
Set in the dystopic future: A girl steals a bag from an old woman, a fellow member of a homeless colony. All the bag contains are volume after volume of shoujo manga. But even after the girl has finished reading all the volumes, our story is still not complete...
VERY INTERESTING. I IMPLORE YOU TO GO READ IT. I MEAN. There's only around 30 pages uploaded. Sooooo it will take you literally less than 4 minutes to read.. if you are a pro manga reader. If not, it might take a little more than five minutes.
I love how the title is a TOTAL IRONY -- 반전 -- for the manga itself is not shoujo ! Shoujo is a romance genre in manga/Japan. It's pretty sick and depressing. But the main character finds a series of shoujo manga. I can't wait for it to continue.. but I'm happy if it ends up being an one shot. LOVE its unusual artistic style, the choppy and simplistic box structures, and the weird futuristic sick concept. Oh and check out the main character's DAISY EYES in the last pic. Ahahhahahhahhahahahhahahaha !!

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