So what is this grade for ? It's what these sites got regarding their level of protection of the users' private information !!! AIYAAAAA !!!
It's not a huge surprise since both the sites were under some heat from third-party Firefox add-on, "FireSheep". In September, Twitter also went through a highjacking worm implanted by a Japanese developer named Masato Kinugawa. This is another absurd story that you can check out on your own IF YOU WANT CLICK ME IF YOU WANT.
So check out the report card below and make note of the secure ones and the not-so secure sites..... Gmail users, aren't you just oh-so-pleased looking at this chart !? SMUG SMILES ALL AROUND.

Some terminology you might want to familiarize yourself to !
Partial Sidejacking: Attacker can get authenticated cookies. Limited access.
Full Sidejacking: Attacker can get everything except username + password. For example, everything regarding your account on Facebook. However, cannot change password, for in order to acquire a new password, the attacker would need the old password.
Full Hijacking: Attacker can gain access to everything, including username + password.
Source: Digital Society, Motive8Media
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