Locational based social media's HUGE PRO is the boost it gives to local businesses. For them, this is PURELY FREE MARKETING. The public traffic that goes in and out of local businesses exposes them through social media. For example this would be a tweet: Enjoying the perfect coffee (@ _________ CAFE). And their followers would read this and would now be knowledgeable about the cafe but also would be inclined to pay a visit.

So how should local businesses use this and encourage more action through social media ? Give the public incentives !! Give prizes for the check-ins or for busier venues, mayorship deals !!!! HOW FUN IS THAT !? I'm so in. You should be, too. Everyone loves promotions ! And even more love when it's a game through social media. ;)
More on this topic: 7 Tips on Using Location-Based Social Media to Boost Business
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