
Seoul Seoul Seoul

In English, they are known as Seoul Electronic Band.

I found out about them today. I browse through too much music these days; so many hours spent listening to happy music, awful music, crappy shit, just pure junk and sometimes, treasure finds !!!! I've been making more playlists than the amount of times I go poo !! ..I know that sounded disgusting, right !? But it's a serious problem right now; I've been praying for a better errr.. bowel (!?!?!) system lately.

ANYWAYS !! MOVING ON !! Seoul Electronic Band is made up of three members, led by 신윤철 (Shin Yoon-chul). They got together in 2004 and since then have completed two full albums. 2010 has been an exceptional year for them, winning many awards from Korea Music Awards !

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I like them because I feel that they have flair. There are many many many Korean indie bands that I dig and listen to, but a handful of them have no character. Meaning that they all seem to sound the same and make music under a certain type of Korean indie bands. However, this band at first seems to make similar music, but then something about the songs give them edge. Seoul Electronic Band's songs has a bit more soul than usual, has cheerful lyrics for once, and they take time building the climax into the songs. I've grown to appreciate the latter aspect. Before, I had no patience and if the song wasn't exciting by the first 23 seconds, I'd kill it with bitterness.

So give them a chance and a try !! Listen to the following vids but if you'd rather go to their sites.. Feel free. They're tech & social media savvy so there's TONS of stuff on each of these pages. BIG PROPS TO THEM !! :) :)
Official website: http://cafe.daum.net/eumacdan
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/seoulelecband
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Seoul-Electric-Band/117716634211?v=info


jyoo9010 said...

ohh 서울전자음악단!!
i was looking everywhere to find their songs.
did u know that two members are brothers??
and their father is 신중현 like the pioneer of Korean rock. Thanks so much for the song links!!

rachel said...

You're very much welcome ! :) :) Aren't they good !? But I had no idea that was his father.. woaahh !! But I don't think the other brother is in the band no more.. the members switched !! I think..... ㅋㅋ

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